Newport Community Church has a few spaces along the side the church building. On Sundays, the Newport Historical Society graciously permits Newport Community Church (NCC) to park on their property if done in a single line to the right of the Belgium blocks (as if parallel to a sidewalk). Drivers using NHS property must enter from Barney Street and NOT Touro Street.
Sunday parking is also permitted in the Touro Synagogue Lot which is across from the church on School Street. Lot parking must begin at the point farthest from the Rabbi’s blue house at the corner. The open spots nearest the fence must be used first before moving towards the Rabbi’s house. NCC congregants must be sure not to park in the two spaces reserved for the Rabbi and his wife and must ensure that no vehicle is parked in such a way that would obstruct any other vehicle from entering or exiting the lot.
Redwood Library Lot on Redwood Street is available until 1:00pm on Sunday mornings.
Touro Street Lot is accessible from Clarke Street and offers 30 available spaces. Parking is limited to three hours. The lot runs on a Pay & Display parking meter which accepts coins, bills, and credit cards. Cost: November 1-April 30, Free; May 1-October 31, $1.25/hr.; Newport Residents, up to 3 hours free with Resident Sticker.
Mary Street Lot offers more than 100 parking spaces and operates on a Pay & Display system; pay at the display stations and place your receipt on the dashboard in your car. Cost: November 1-April 30, Free; May 1-October 31: $3.00/hour, Newport residents, up to 3 hours free with Resident Sticker.
Various locations throughout the area exist without metered parking, including Spring Street and Broadway. From November 1st to April 30th, street parking becomes widely available. Please visit cityofnewport.com/departments/parking-transportation for more information.
Traffic safety concerns on Touro Street require that NCC congregants utilize Barney Street behind the church building for dropping off and picking up children under age 12, before and after Sunday service.